Are you sick of banging your head against the wall as you try to teach your kids English? Does everything you teach them seem to go in one of their ears and out the other?

If you're like most parents out there, you've gone through a lot of tears, most of them from your kids, as they try to learn the complex beast of an animal that is the English language.

Believe me when I say that I've been there. I have four kids of my own, each of them homeschooled, and there has been lots of blood, sweat, and tears in our house ... though not that much blood.

What I found is that my kids learn English best when they are writing about something they like. In my case, it was through writing stories.

In the course of teaching my kids how to write stories, I stumbled on a method to help them brainstorm and write multiple stories. The method worked so well that my kiddos have written multiple stories, and they are still writing more.

So, I created this course to share what I've learned with your kiddos to help them figure out the Darn English language and to have fun while doing it.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from the instructor

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Story-Building Basics

    • The Story Spine

    • More Examples of Really Good Hooks, Just in case you need them!

About the instructor

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